by U&I Team | Apr 9, 2019 | Blog
April is diversity month! Having had the pleasure of working with hundreds of leaders since our inception we wanted to share and reflect on the importance of diversity and some lessons we have worked hard to impart to our students over the years. Lesson #1: Diversity...
by U&I Team | Apr 2, 2019 | Blog, Lead, Learn
One of the best parts about springtime in Arizona is watching the desert come to life with beautiful colors and blooms. In particular, the rich diversity of cacti always seem to be a hit with locals and tourists alike. As we transition into springtime there are a...
by U & Improved | Dec 4, 2018 | Blog, Love, News
In honor of Gina and the many lives she touched and all that she gave to shape U the Communicator into what it is today, we are awarding someone “The Gina Jonas ‘PLAY BIG’ Honorary Seat” in ALL future U the Communicator classes. This seat will...
by Jodi Low | Jan 11, 2018 | Blog, Lead
I’ve often said that living life without goals is like driving cross-country without a GPS or roadmap—you may eventually reach your destination, or you may not. And how much easier would it be to get to where you want to go with some guidance? Without a clear...
by Jodi Low | Nov 15, 2017 | Blog, Lead
Have you ever owned a favorite pair of slippers? You know, that beat-up pair in the corner of your bedroom that are so worn out yet perfectly imperfect in their ugly state, that they are your absolute favorite thing to slip on after a long day? Or maybe for you it’s...
by Gina Jonas | Sep 14, 2017 | Blog, Listen
Daniel Goleman, author of the New York Times best seller, Emotional Intelligence said: “Out of control emotions make even smart people look stupid!” How can you resolve a situation when you are dealing with a complete hot head? It can be tough and it is also...