by Jodi Low | Aug 19, 2014 | Blog, Learn
Did you feel the earth shimmy ever so slightly last Sunday? No, it wasn’t an earthquake. It was a room packed with passionate, enthusiastic people welcoming a new round of Leaders including our FIRST EVER U the Teen Leader class! I’m telling you that the walls of that...
by U & Improved | Aug 12, 2014 | News
Founder and CEO of U & Improved, Jodi Low, discusses the new teen leadership class. Click to watch the video.
by U & Improved | Aug 6, 2014 | Blog, Teens
U & Improved is honored to announce the recipients of three generous full scholarships to U The Teen Leader donated by, The Miksta Team at VIP Mortgage, the William and Doreen Wong Foundation and an anonymous donor. All of the submissions are more than deserving...