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As 2024 draws to a close and a new year emerges, many of us like to set resolutions—yet, the truth is, most of us abandon them just weeks later. Statistics show that on average only 8% of New Year’s resolutions get kept. That’s a little pathetic, in my book! So this year, how about we apply some (or hey, be my guest and apply all of them!) of my fresh, creative strategies to achieve your goals and most importantly, make them sustainable longterm!
1. Set Intentions Rather Than Resolutions
Resolutions tend to focus on the end result. That’s great, however it’s imperative to focus on the why behind your goals. For example, instead of “I’ll exercise daily,” reframe it as “I’ll prioritize health and movement.” From there, U can get specific on HOW U will go after achieving the goal. Just remember to laser in and focus on the WHY first!
2. Write to Your Future Self
Journal daily…and write as if you’ve already succeeded. For example, “I’m proud of the progress I’ve made toward my business goals.” This visualization and placing yourself in that mindset makes success feel real. And the brain believes what U tell it, so tell your amazing brain what U want it to believe!
3. Optimize Your Environment
Set up your physical spaces so that they support your goals. Want to read more? Keep your next must-reads in easy-to-access places. For healthy eating, organize your pantry with nourishing options and eliminate the junk. Make your space work for U.
4. Track Progress and Capitalize on Momentum with One Sentence a Day
Ok, it sounds like a lot of writing…I get it. But hear me out. Write one sentence daily about your progress, like “I completed a 15-minute workout.” Just one sentence. Small wins build momentum. And again, your brain believes what U tell it and builds on it.
5. Create a “Stop Doing” List
We all have some system to track our to-do’s. Now it’s time to create a to-don’t list! Free up time by letting go of habits or commitments that don’t serve U, like overcommitting or self-doubt. Ask yourself, is this getting me to where I want to go? If not, ditch it.
6. Work in 12-Week Sprints
Certain projects and goals feel like an endless marathon. Just like the old adage about how to eat an elephant, break your goals down into quarterly cycles. This creates focus and lets U adjust and course-correct as needed.
7. Reward Your Small Wins
For all of us driven, goal-oriented high achievers, we often are like horses with blinders on…we just keep running forward. That’s a wonderful trait, AND it’s important to celebrate progress with micro-rewards along the way. Treat yourself to a relaxing day after two weeks of consistent effort or grab coffee with a friend after a full throttle week of work.
8. Anchor Your Habits to Routines
If U want to make an action become a habit (and one that truly sticks longterm), stack new habits onto existing ones. For example, after making your morning coffee, journal for five minutes. When U link your habit to a routine, your odds of success grow exponentially!
9.Share Accountability
Seek out a coach, a mentor, or a group to help U stay on track, and get support when challenges arise…because they will. Build your network and spend the extra money, if needed, to work with a professional coach that can help guide U as U move forward. If U are working with the right person, the money, time and effort invested will pay U a lifetime of dividends.
10.Embrace Your Imperfection
Setbacks are part of the journey. Congratulation! You’re human! Always focus on progress, not perfection, and adjust as U grow. U are a work in progress until the day U no longer walk this planet, so embrace the messiness of it all, roll up your sleeves, and dive in!
In this new year, do yourself a favor and make your goals far more achievable by taking consistent, intentional action. With the strategies above, you’ll not only set goals, U will GET GOALS, as I love say—and most importantly, U will
enjoy the process and the journey it takes U on!